Saturday, February 23, 2008

Philippians 4:6-7

Tomorrow I leave for Israel - it feels as though I barely got back and I'm off again. I will be leading worship tomorrow and I'm grateful for that opportunity, but after that, I'm pretty much on my way.

Grace and I both are a little anxious about my leaving. She's been on school vacation this week, which has been good. I've been trying to get all my Lenten ducks in a row, so that nothing falls through the cracks while I'm gone (to mix metaphors).

Meanwhile, I keep repeating Philippians 4:6 to myself (and sometimes to others): "Be anxious for nothing, but in all things by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make your requests known to the Lord and the peace of God which passes understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

Sometimes it helps, sometimes my own concerns take over, but it's good to remember even in the midst of those nerves. Besides, I did learn one thing in all the years of being on the road with the touring theater company: once I'm somewhere else, I'll be there and this uncertainty will be a thing of the past. All things change; nothing stays the same (even when I'm in the same place).

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