Saturday, March 1, 2008

Backing up to Day 4

We ended yesterday by having dinner with Rabbi David Rosen, the International Director of Interreligious Affairs for the AJC at Beit Moses, their Middle East office. It's hard to imagine when I have met a more articulate diplomatic individual. He works with numerous interfaith and interreligious organizations in a variety of ways, sitting on boards, acting as one of the advisors to the Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem (I think I have that right - If I don't, sorry David!), as a member of IJCIC, etc. One of his points that resonated with me was that we must make sure that religious entities participate in the peace process, are visible actors within it, if we don't want the religious extremists to highjack the role from us and win the day as acting on behalf of religion. Here he is at dinner with Kevin to his immediate right and Kimberly beyond Kevin.

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