Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sunny San Diego? (cont.)

Good morning, friends. Emmi is off to swim and I am preparing to meet Cathi Matuza's sister for breakfast.

To continue briefly about yesterday:

The zoo was gorgeous and fun, but we didn't have much time, so we took the bus tour. It was a whirlwind (emphasis on "wind") view of the zoo and while we were glad we did it, by the time we got off the bus, we were freezing. The sun had gone behind the clouds and it was no longer the sunny day we had counted on. Nonetheless, we stayed and checked out the pandas, the zebras, the anteater and other animals (even braving the extremely cold ride on the Aerial Sky Lift, just to cover more ground).

We had to leave the zoo before we'd have liked in order to get back to the conference - and begin to work :). We opened with a worship session at 3:00 p.m. that was inspirational and then Roger Nishioka gave a keynote plenary address that was truly awesome - more on that later today. Those events were followed by our Regional Gathering. (I got to play the part of "God" in the skit that had been prepared for each group by the National leaders. It was nice to be God even if for a moment ;), but I imagine I would do a poor job were it reality.

We finished with a delicious supper and entertainment by a biblical scholar that I think will inform a sermon soon.

More later,

Pastor Rebecca

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